Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Wednesday's child is full of woe

Another day----hopefully better than the past couple. My mom is still not great, now she is having trouble keeping anything down, as of last check, no dr anywhere near. He is apparently too busy to bother himself to see his patients in the hospital, he does however, send in his nurse. Big fucking whoop. Today, I will get answers. I spent several hours there yesterday, I hate seeing her so sick. The kids dad is improving, however. That makes me happy. All three of them went to the hospital yesterday, I was proud of them for that, as there was some discussion as to go or not for YS.

I had two appointments scheduled for yesterday, myself. I could only make one of them as I lost my ride to the opthamologist when he (OS) had to go to the hospital----H was waaaaay too busy, he has to ready the business for opening tomorrow. I went to the second one, alone, and that was okay, I am going to have to get used to doing all things that way. I got answers, at least. I now know why I can't walk some days. I don't much care for the reason. I have to have more tests, I am not sure I will, I am going to think about it. What is wrong with me is not too severe, and while it can and will progress, it may not ever get too much worse than it is now. I was honest with the dr and told him that i wasn't sure I would follow through, he said he understood that, but also encouraged me to do so, as the reason why could be as important as the problem. I have new medication, I am not happy about taking it, I know of it, family members have/are taking it, it is (was) originally intended for seizures, I don't like the idea, but I have to do something about the relentless pain.I will get back to you on that one...

Back to work today, barring any more emergencies with my mom. I have got to find a way to see her this evening, but driving after dark is a problem for me, at least until someone finds out why I can't see, and/or corrects it. I wish I had some idea when she will get out of there...I wish i knew what the hell they are doing for her, it seems as though nothing is being done, couldn't that be accomplished at home? She is taking antibiotics intravenously, but if that is all that can be done for her, she could do that at her local hospital. She wants to go home so badly and I don't blame her, hospitals are a terrible place to be.

I'm off ---- hope your day is great.

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