Saturday, April 21, 2007

Down the stairs, up the stairs, down the stairs,....

What a beautiful day this has turned out to be---eighty degrees, windy, but wonderful. I came home from work, threw open the windows, booted CrazyDog out the door---just a perfect spring afternoon. I managed to accomplish little at work today, but I did make it there, and sometimes we need to be grateful for the small things, as earlier I was sure that just getting there was an impossibility. Tonight is dinner with one or more of my kiddos, I am not sure how many or who---whatever turns out is good with me. I would love to see them all, but am quite okay with none if necessary. It's hard these days to get everyone in the same place at the same time. I have D here with me this weekend, and she had a friend with her last night, so that made hauling the air mattress (temporary bed) down to the living room necessary - once again. This morning, H and I hauled the damned thing back up the staircase, it is rather huge and quite bulky, although not really heavy. H wanted to leave it downstairs, just in case, but I didn't want it hanging out in the living room all day. Then YS called and he and GF are going to be here tonight, so guess what H and I get to do this evening? That's right, we get to haul the damned thing back done the stairs once again. I am surprised H doesn't leave me, it seems that ALL he does is move one kind of shit or another from this place to that one, and then back again. teehee. Good thing he's an easygoing kind of guy. I am going to go lay down for awhile, to see if i can get this nagging pain in my left leg to calm down. Hope your day has been as great as mine. Out.

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