Thursday, July 17, 2008

Helen Wheels

I had the most wonderful day yesterday. Other than the fact that I can't seem to pass a little ten question test on one of the products that I will be selling, that is. Good heavens, I took it for a second time and failed it AGAIN. Could only miss two, missed three again. How on earth can I take a state insurance test and score in the 90 percentile and not be able to pass a test that is ridiculously simple? So, other than that, my day was wonderful.

I came home from the office early - mid morning. There was little for me to do there, I am not actually starting my job until Monday. I picked up a new book I bought in LARGE PRINT, and read all the rest of the day. I am paying for doing that this morning, but how awesome it was to read something I wanted to read, and something I could actually see, for the most part. Heaven, that's what it was.

Later in the day, I decided to take off on my bike...and I went for a 45 minute bike ride. Which was really not the best idea I have ever had, I might add. The traffic around our new place is awful...busy all day and into the evening. It was just after four when I had this bright idea...I put on my favorite ball cap...took the steps down to the parking garage and retrieved my bike, and set out. I was shocked at the condition of my neck. It wouldn't turn at all, not even as much as it has been recently. I couldn't see...because I had been reading all day. And there is so much construction noise around here, I was pretty much deaf. So, just picture Helen Keller riding a bike...that was me. I did find a good place to ride in the neighborhood directly to the north of here, but getting back was really difficult. Only by the grace of God...I'm telling you. So, perhaps I will rethink the whole bike riding by myself in the middle of the day thing...

Last evening, I made a very simple dinner and then that was it for me. Out----in seconds. Until late in the evening, and then I was up. But that's okay, today I have no where to be officially, just tons of book work and house work to do. I do hope my eyes perk up some today, although I'm going to have to stay away from my book if that's what I want.

I will catch you all here later. :)


Mary said...

It takes a brave lady to ride a bike in the city. Glad you made it home safely.

Golden To Silver Val said...

Oh boy, I betcha your legs are gonna be sore today! Take care. We're in for a heat wave. Its barely 10 a.m. and its 78 outside. But I'm not complaining...after the brutal winter we had...I'm glad for the heat. LOL

desert dirt diva said...

ok jamie so i'm behind a little.. glad to hear about your job! sorry that your neck is hurting.. and the last time i went bike riding (around the block) i thought i would need was rough and the kids wanted me to do it again NO THANK YOU! I will again some day WHEN i lose about 40 pounds!

ac said...

You are so brave to ride alone in all that traffic with your eyes bothering you and your neck not working right.

I'm such a wimp. If something hurts or doesn't work properly, I fold like a napkin. That's why you are a superwoman and I ... I so am NOT. lol

Will you please take it easy today...

For the love of all that is good, stop making me feel so inferior. HA! xo xo ac

Billy said...

I bet you are hurting now. Sounds like a lot to take on for one day. But good for you! Do you really get up that early and post? My goodness woman, sleep in!

Cheryl said...

Just finished your Wednesday and Thursday posts. You've been so consistent! So, how often can you take the test? Maybe tomorrow will be the right day for passing. I hope so.

Be well. I'm glad to hear you sounding good even when everything's not perfect. It rarely is for any of us. And I'm impressed that you tried to ride your bike. Do you walk? That might be better suited to your busy neighborhood.

SOUL said...

that does sound like a busy, and good day for you yesterday. sorry it ended in so much pain though. i hope today was good too, and the pain was less . and that you will get better sleep.


Moohaa said...

I'm glad you got to read. Sometimes doing something fun is worth the price we pay. Hugs!!

Portia said...

YAY for pictures, large print books and time with your family:)

BOO for tests. Hope it's over soon:)