Tuesday, June 14, 2011


I just realized that I haven't posted all weekend, and now of course, I have little time. I am back to work today after having yesterday off, my plan being to search for an apartment for September, when I am able to move. You all know about the best laid plans...

Yeah. I went out to do just that with four places in mind to see. After seeing the first one, and let me tell you that whole process takes forever...and it was only one complex so far, I became entrenched in a freakin' hurricane. Okay, so not really a hurricane, but it surely might as well have been! Rain and wind like I haven't seen in a  long time. And I am driving in it. On a four lane highway, with lots and lots of blinded traffic, like me. But we all just kept right on driving. At times, I swear, I couldn't see a thing, other than the lights of the car in front of me. I prayed that car was just rolling along, and not pulling off the side of the road, as I was following his every move.....we were all doing about forty in a 65. Oh yeah...fun times. After the whole HOUR it took for the storm to roll by, I really tried to get my mo-jo back and get to it once again. I called a couple of the places, no luck with them, no vacancies, (and one was the place I really, really wanted to be), and then the rain and hail came again, and I just said EFF it. Seriously. How long can these monsoons keep coming? As I write this, it is going again, and the quarter sized hail just stopped. Enough rain already!

My back is on fire today. No real reason...just fire. Usually, I can handle it. This morning, worse than usual.

I loved one of the places I looked at yesterday, way affordable and it had every other thing on my list, plus the location was awesome - as far as the j-o-b goes. But third floor. No elevators. Most of the time, I can manage, but what about the times I can't? I would hate to be stranded in, or out of, my own place.

I got to spend a lot of time with my baby Zachary on Saturday. Oh how awesome he is, even if he was way sick. He is almost walking. They grow up way too fast.

Happy Tuesday, y'all. Make it a great day.  :)


kristi said...

I would find something on the first floor if it were me!

Kristy said...

We have been having a terrible rainy period also. It is like monsoon season (lol) Tired of the cold rainy weather. I hear you about chronic pain. It really would make your life easier without all the stairs.

Joyce Gray said...

The stairs would knock it right to the bottom of my list. Just think about schlepping groceries up three flights, yikes!


Believe me, my apartment I have to go upstairs and find it tiring especially with shopping. If you can choose a ground floor apartment,


Coffeypot said...

If if is meant to be, you will get your place. The storm and hail could mean that you didn't need those places. But it probably just meant that it was just raining and you can check'em out later. It's a shame about not having an elevator in the one you really liked.

Lena said...

You are right, you don't want to take the chance of being stranded in or out of your apartment on the third floor.

So hopefully, you will find just the right place with elevators or ground floor.

Lots of rain here,too. Can't even walk in the back yard. water up to our ankles.

Anonymous said...

When I see myself on my way to Kentucky, where I will start life over again, I always imagine my pitstop in Iowa.

Get ready girl. I'm gonna kick your life into overdrive.

In the meantime...... much love.

Anonymous said...

When I see myself on my way to Kentucky, where I will start life over again, I always imagine my pitstop in Iowa.

Get ready girl. I'm gonna kick your life into overdrive.

In the meantime...... much love.

Cheryl said...

It seems like there's plenty of time for someone to give notice and move out of an apartment in the complex you want. That's what I'm going to hope for. What a horrible time you must have had in those storms. I'm glad you came out of it safe. It's been so dry here!

Anonymous said...

Couple things. I sieze on the subilties of the day as you do, that is why I am in love with this blog(isn't blog a heavy word, seems like it should be a mood description.. I just feel..oh I don't know...blogged).
You write of driving in heavy rain, oh how I hate it, particulary the older I get.....And then you end by...'make it a great day'. I was talking with a child hood friend the other day and he kept ending his emails with, " be well'. He lives in Atlanta so I'm thinking is that a southern thing like y'all or is a new way of saying nicely, bye and don't keep writing me back...be well. It just seems like it's so final.

Moohaa said...

As someone who has sworn off stairs for life, I highly recommend not putting yourself in that position. "Most of the time I can manage" would need to be all the time. I'm so glad you got to spend time with Zachary! Babies rock. :)