Friday, April 08, 2011

Generalities and goofy stuff

I have a new android phone that likes to finish my thoughts. I find it amusing sometimes, so much so - that I start laughing and then trying to text only gets worse. In some ways, it has changed my vocabulary. For example -- one of my favorite texting and blogging words is BLEH. That just means -- you know..-- I'm just kind of here. Not good, not bad...just BLEH. My phone just will not accept that. So...the new word now is BLENHIEM. Yep, every time I BLEH, I BLENHIEM. This makes me giggle. So now I just blenhiem for reals.

I like pickles sometimes. Lately, I like them alot.

I just ate forty pounds of oatmeal. Okay, so it was only a half a cup, but it feels like forty pounds in my stomach.

I am not working today...and that kind of makes me happy. I have several things I have to get handled, and I am not necessarily looking forward to doing them.

I like the feeling of being loved just because I am family. There have been a couple of relatives that I know love me, they don't or didn't really know me maybe, at least not in my adult life. But I still KNOW and feel today that I am loved. My Dear Aunt Peggy is one of them. Her mother, my grandmother was another. I didn't see either of them for years and years and years, and they still love me. Just because. I have not felt unearned acceptance too many times in my life - but the two of them have always extended it.They are blood on my fathers side. On my mothers side, there is an aunt that I lost track of when I was a child and I recently reconnected with. She too, made me feel this way, along with all the cousins (her children).

I woke up too early this morning, and now I am tired. When I say I woke too early - you can bet it was. You all know my regular wake up time is already too early.

Spring is springing, finally. I am renewed once again. I hear birds in the mornings, the warmth is finally making its way through me. Another fun fact:  I am also being attacked in a big way, with hot flashes. Yeah menopause. And while we're on the subject, why must that word be so stupid?

A three day weekend for me. Full of things I don't particularly want to do. Blenhiem.

I'm gone.    :)



I do enjoy your blogs very refreshing to read.
Thanks for the comment that I value.

Cheryl said...

My word became "wah". I had to take that out of my vocabulary!

Happy Weekend :))

Lena said...

That is so funny about your phone turning bleh into a whole new word!

Feeling loved by family is the best feeling ever!