Friday, July 04, 2008

No fun here

I'm sorry I haven't posted in a couple of days, there are many things happening here - most of them not good, although they are not directly in my own family. I have been trying to help Stephanie through some rough times, her dad is dying, and it has been really hard on her. (For those of you that don't know, she is the GF of my youngest son, Jordan.) There is of course, nothing I can do to really help, but I have been trying to support her in any way I can, you all know how much I love that girl, and she is so young to be trying to deal with this. Now there has been another tragedy in that family, and I don't feel that I can say what it is right now. I will tell you all about it in the next few days, when I know that all that read here-real people in my life and that family- have been told in the proper manner. Just suffice it to say, it's a tragedy of the worst kind, and I can't help but worry about her, and of course, Jordan, as this is going to be really hard on them. I keep waiting for things to settle down for her, for them, but apparently that is not to be just yet.

In the rest of my life, I am through with training, but as a result of what's happened, I have not taken the tests yet. I will take the company test on Tuesday, after I take the state test. And again, although I can't say, I'm not sure I'm going to be ready to do that, as Steph and Jordy were scheduled to work at the ICS on Sunday, and now I'm certain that won't be happening and I may have to work there on that day, too. UGH. Finding any employees to work this holiday weekend has been a problem and although it should not be this way, the reality is that you either let them off for the weekend or they quit and you have no one at Mark and I work all day today and tomorrow...and now probably Sunday. Poor Craig has really had his hands full this week...and I know he's tired and grumpy and well, welcome to the world of restaurant management.

I will sign off now - I am feeling like ass this morning, no sleep, up worrying, so much of the night. I hope all of you have the best 4th of July ever, and have some fun for me, will ya?



Angel said...

Happy 4th to you!!!!!

Golden To Silver Val said...

I will be thinking of you this oh-so-noisy day. This is not my favorite holiday because people have ruined it by doing everything to excess. Yep, that's old lady talk for sure, but its certainly true. Sorry for all you're going through and I sincerely hope that everything mellows out soon. Be safe this reckless day and through-out the whole weekend. Hugs, Charlotte

bonnie said...

I'm glad you're there for Stephanie. It sounds like she's going to need you. This is the important stuff that we need to be here for. The test will wait until you are ready. Unfortunately the ICS will not, but Monday will come and hopefully you'll find a way to take care of yourself. Happy weekend.

ac said...

Sorry things are going so badly for Stephanie. It's so hard to watch people you love go through difficult times. I will be keeping good thoughts for her and for you.

Happy 4th of July Jamie girl! If I know you, you will manage to have a halfway decent day in spite of everything. xo xo xo

Moohaa said...

Prayers coming your way for your son, his gf and her family. I'm glad they have you to lean on. I will also be praying for your strength to hold up at the ICS.

God bless you!

I'm going to a dessert fest for the 4th, so I'll gain a few more pounds! But it will be fun!

Cheryl said...

Poor Stephanie...and thank goodness for you being there for her, and everyone else. I know how hard it is for you to work at the ICS, and for so many days. You're doing what you have to do, as usual. You must really look forward to getting into bed at night. Hugs...

SOUL said...

i hope you find time for a little you time-- and a few beers-- sounds like you need that.
don't overdo it at the ics---
take care of yourself.

fiwa said...

Poor Stephanie. I'll be thinking about you all and hoping you can comfort one another.

Sending my lovins,