When I was a working woman, I loved Friday's SO much. They always meant so much to me, a long, hard week nearly over, many things accomplished so I could take it a little easy on Friday. Usually had lunch brought in from somewhere on Friday's and that was special, too. The other days I ate something brought from home, usually canned soup. Friday meant that I could dress more casually than the other days, not that I dressed up every day by any means. But I would wear my t-shirts with the company logo, or the polo shirts that were provided. And jeans... definitely jeans. I miss the feeling of Friday alot. Yes, I know that every day should or could feel like Friday now, but they don't. I miss working so much, more than I can explain. I miss being a part of something, I miss the people that I worked with, I miss the car business --- it is such a fun business. Never a dull moment, always something strange or funny happening. :)
But today is Friday in my new world. Usually Mark brings something home for dinner -- so that is my new perk for Friday. Yea --- I made it through another week of nothing. Of hurting. Of pain. Yea!!!
I'm out.
You are right about the joy of Friday's when you are working, we wait for them all week with eager anticipation. I know you would gladly trade your days home for a chance to be back in that active life. I'm glad that Mark is trying to make your Friday's a little brighter by bringing home supper, now you just need to find a friend that you could do a Friday lunch date with, even if they bring it in to share with you. There's gotta be a couple bright spots in your week to make the others more bearable. Wish I was there, I'd be at your door in a minute! :-) Are you able to do much reading or is it hard to stay focused? Thinking of you with love always, Jos
Since retiring all my days are Fridays.
I understand that sentiment. Not working is wonderful, boring, and makes me miss being part of something bigger than myself. :-)
Glad Mark is making Friday's special again, something to look forward to.
Enjoy your week sweetie.
I know what you mean about Fridays~when I wasn't working, all of my days bled into each other & none were all that special. Our biggest challenge is to make each & every day special & believe me, when chronic pain is involved, that challenge is monumental. Just try to focus on getting through one second at a time & soon those beautiful babies will be here to meet their special grandma! Prayers are with you, Jamie.
So good to see you posting. I am so happy for you about the new grandchildren coming! They sure bring more love and light into one's life.
I know your feeling, for a different reason....I was unemployed for 20 months. I too wanted to "feel" a Friday again. Who am I kidding, I wanted the feeling of being a part of group, people that had something in common on a daily basis, which is work.
I've been working for the Government almost a year on Feb 26th and loving it. It feels so good. You will have that again too Jamie. I pray for your time without pain when you can return to work and join me. Love and (((hugs))) always!!
You all are the sweetest and best group of friends I could hope for. I thank you sincerely in trying to help and make me feel better. I am so touched. Biggest hugs you guys! :)
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